BOOKS by Flavio Cammarano

"Emozioni e ricordi"

Holy cards from XVII to XX century

by Flavio Cammarano and Pino Pellegrino

Mario Astegiano publisher

167 color-photographies

135 pages (Italian only)

8,6 x 9,4 inches (21,9 x 24 cm.)


This book give a short history of holy cards and the many different varieties, periods, and regions.

The book begins with Anvers engravings on parchment paper and on regular paper. It continues on to explain the complexities of the “Canivets”, the French holy cards with paper lace borders and it is also divided according to their prospective publisher.

Also, this book touches on the subjectof holy  cards that are from Prague’s and italian “Santini”. Finishing with holy cards that has an Art Nouveau style.

There is a very useful dictionary for technical terminology at the end of the book.